🔀 Sublime Merge
Custom commands¶
→ Browse Packages
"caption": "Open Repository in Explorer…",
"command": "open_dir",
"args": {
"dir": "$working_dir"
{ "caption": "-", "id": "end" },
"caption": "🔗 Open Branch $branch",
"command": "git",
"args": { "argv": ["open", "branch", "$branch"] }
"caption": "🔗 Open Pull Request on $branch",
"command": "git",
"args": { "argv": ["open", "pr", "$branch"] }
{ "caption": "-", "id": "end" },
"caption": "🔗 Open Commit $short_commit",
"command": "git",
"args": { "argv": ["open", "commit", "$commit"] }
"caption": "Status\tgit status",
"command": "git",
"args": {"argv": ["status", "--untracked-files", "--verbose"]}
"caption": "Status: short\tgit status --short",
"command": "git",
"args": {"argv": ["status", "--short", "--untracked-files", "--verbose"]}
"caption": "Cleanup\tgit gc",
"command": "git",
"args": {"argv": ["gc"]}
"caption": "Version\tgit --version",
"command": "git",
"args": {"argv": ["--version"]}
// Listing
"caption": "List branches with commit…",
"command": "git",
"args": {"argv": ["branch", "--sort=-committerdate", "--format=%(committerdate:short) %(refname:short)", "--contains", "$select_commit"]}
"caption": "List tags with commit…",
"command": "git",
"args": {"argv": ["tag", "--sort=-creatordate", "--format=%(creatordate:short) %(refname:short)", "--contains", "$select_commit"]}
"caption": "List branches merged into branch…",
"command": "git",
"args": {"argv": ["branch", "--merged", "$select_branch"]}
"caption": "List branches not merged into branch…",
"command": "git",
"args": {"argv": ["branch", "--no-merged", "$select_branch"]}
// Code Review
"caption": "🔗 Open Repository…",
"command": "git",
"args": { "argv": ["open", "repo"] }
"caption": "🔗 Open Branch…",
"command": "git",
"args": { "argv": ["open", "branch", "$select_branch"] }
"caption": "🔗 Open Pull Request…",
"command": "git",
"args": { "argv": ["open", "pr", "$select_branch"] }
"caption": "🔗 Open Tag…",
"command": "git",
"args": { "argv": ["open", "tag", "$select_tag"] }
"caption": "🔗 Open Commit…",
"command": "git",
"args": { "argv": ["open", "commit", "$select_commit"] }
"caption": "🔗 Open Search…",
"command": "git",
"args": { "argv": ["open", "search", "$text"] }
// Gerrit Review
"caption": "Review…\tgit review <branch>",
"command": "git",
"args": {"argv": ["review", "$text", "--no-rebase", "--yes", "--verbose"]}
"caption": "Review: Setup\tgit review --setup",
"command": "git",
"args": {"argv": ["review", "--setup", "--verbose"]}
"caption": "Review: List open reviews\tgit review ---list",
"command": "git",
"args": {"argv": ["review", "--list", "--verbose"]}
"caption": "Review: New ChangeId…\tgit review --new-changeid",
"command": "git",
"args": {"argv": ["review", "--new-changeid", "--no-rebase", "--verbose"]}
"caption": "Review: Dry run…\tgit review <branch> --dry-run",
"command": "git",
"args": {"argv": ["review", "$text", "--dry-run", "--no-rebase", "--yes", "--verbose"]}
"caption": "Review: Work in progress…\tgit review <branch> --work-in-progress",
"command": "git",
"args": {"argv": ["review", "$text", "--work-in-progress", "--no-rebase", "--yes", "--verbose"]}
"caption": "Review: Draft…\tgit review <branch> ---draft",
"command": "git",
"args": {"argv": ["review", "$text", "--draft", "--no-rebase", "--yes", "--verbose"]}
"caption": "Review: Private…\tgit review <branch> --private",
"command": "git",
"args": {"argv": ["review", "$text", "--private", "--no-rebase", "--yes", "--verbose"]}
"caption": "Review: Download…\tgit review --download <change>",
"command": "git",
"args": {"argv": ["review", "-d", "$text", "--verbose"]}
// Misc
// git config --global alias.hello "!f() { echo \"Hello, ${1:-World}!\" ; }; f"
"caption": "Test commands \tHello, World!",
"command": "git",
"args": {"argv": ["hello", "$text"] }
"caption": "Stash file",
"command": "git",
"args": {"argv": ["stash", "push", "$path"] }
"hide_menu": true,
"always_show_command_status": true
{ "caption": "-", "id": "end" },
"caption": "🔗 Open Branch $branch",
"command": "git",
"args": { "argv": ["open", "branch", "$branch"] }
"caption": "🔗 Open Pull Request on $branch",
"command": "git",
"args": { "argv": ["open", "pr", "$branch"] }
{ "caption": "-", "id": "end" },
"caption": "🔗 Open Tag $tag_name",
"command": "git",
"args": { "argv": ["open", "tag", "$tag_name"] }